Charts & Lyrics


Lyrics for the songs from ‘I Know Who Holds Me’ are viewable in order of track listing below. Charts can be downloaded free, HERE.

We Three Kings of Orient Are / Light of the World

Words and Music by Rev. John Henry Hopkins 1857 / Cherie Csikos (2011)


Verse 1
We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star


Verse 2
Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain
Gold I bring to crown Him again
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to reign


O – Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy Perfect Light


Verse 3
Glorious now behold Him arise
King and God and Sacrifice
Alleluia, Alleluia
Earth to heav’n replies (To Chorus)


Light of the world
(Glorious, Risen King)
Shine on me
Light of the world
(Eternal Lord, Prince of Peace)
Shine through me


King of kings and Lord of lords
Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end, first and the last
Bright and Morning Star




His Mercy Endures

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos, Lynne Csikos and Michael Csikos (2012)
2 Chron 20; Ps 35


Verse 1
O Lord God, are you not God in heaven?
Do you not rule over all the nations?
In Your hand is there not power and might?
So that none can stand against You?


You have all power against the enemy
We fix our eyes upon You
Our eyes are on You, our eyes are on You


Praise the Lord, His mercy endures forever
Praise the Lord, His mercy endures forever


Verse 2
O Lord God, has Your word not been spoken?
Shall You not watch over to perform it?
You declare, shall it not come to pass?
I will not fear what stands before me


Say to my soul, I am your salvation
I trust in You, You are my salvation
Say to my soul, I am your salvation
I trust in You, You are my salvation


The battle is not ours, but Yours
See the salvation of the Lord, who is with us


Last time
You are with us, You are with us



Complete in Me

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2012)


You are good, You are faithful, You are holy
You hold me, in Your arms, You won’t let me go


You are true, You are righteous, You are worthy
You are strong, undefeated, Your word never fails


I know that You love me
I know You’ll see this through to the end
Till Your word is complete in me
So I surrender to You
Even though the storm is raging
I will trust in You


O my soul, rejoice
Sing for joy to the One
Mighty in battle
1st: All-powerful
2nd: All-glorious
3rd: Victorious To Chorus




Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2012)


Verse 1
Your thoughts are not my thoughts, Your ways are not my ways
Your word will reign
When it looks impossible, it looks immovable
I know You reign


Be glorified, O God, the great and mighty One
You speak it will be done, it is done
Though oceans roar and mountains rise they’ll flee before You
God, Your will be done, it is done


Verse 2
You will not forsake me, You will ever hold me
Your word will reign
You don’t sleep or slumber, You’re not faint or weary
I know You reign


Be glorified, in all the earth




Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2012)


Verse 1
Not my will, but Yours
I lay me down
Have Your way in me
I surrender all


For You are God, You are God
You are God, and You reign


Verse 2
When I don’t understand
I will worship You
When I can’t see you here
I will trust in You


Less of me, more of You
Take my whole heart, I give it all to You
Less of me, more of You
Take my whole heart, I give it all to You
And I wait for You



Wait on Me

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2012)


Verse 1
Rescue me in the midst of the confusion
I push, I beat the air, I cry out in desperation
Answer me in the darkness of the night
“Why am I still here in the middle of this fight?”


Prechorus 1
I throw my hands up, beg for mercy
Get on my knees and pray
“Oh God, have Your way!”
Then I hear You whispering


Verse 2
Speak to me in the quiet of the night
I still my anxious heart, and I cry, “Holy, holy, holy”
Hold me close in the safety of Your arms
I know that You are God and you will get me through this fight


Prechorus 2
I raise my hands up, in surrender
Fall on my knees and pray
“Oh God, have Your way!”
And I hear You calling me to


“Wait on Me, I’ll strengthen your heart
I’ll carry you, and give you peace
I’ll build in you the gold I need
To entrust you with my best
I’ll challenge, stretch and grow you
And burn away the rest
So wait on Me
Oh be still, and wait on Me”


Your light will shine gloriously
Your love will reign eternally
Your Truth will stand immovably
You remain
Your light will shine gloriously
Your love will reign eternally
Your Truth will stand immovably
And all You ask of me is



You’re the One (I Waited For)

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2012)


Verse 1
O my love, you’ve stolen my heart
My only love, you alone hold my heart
For you make me sing a melody I’ve never sung
And you sing along in harmony
A song that is ours alone


You’re the one I waited for
The only one my heart adores
They ask me, “Was it worth the wait?”
Oh you are, you are, you are


Verse 2
When you hold my hand, I’m free to be me
When I’m holding yours, you’re strong as can be
For your heart is safe completely in my love
And you’d give your life so willingly for mine
We’ll face every storm that comes


I slumbered, I slept, in purity kept
Now you’ve come along and woken my song
My love



Face to Face

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Verse 1
Holy, holy,
My soul cries holy
Glory, honour,
And praise belongs to You


Oh, to see You face to face
To know You as I’m known
I count all else as loss
To gain this alone:
To take hold of You
To be found in You


Verse 2
So I wait on You, I wait on You,
My soul will wait on You
Hide me in Your secret place,
Where I will dwell with You


Purify my heart, that I behold Your face
I surrender all, that I be wholly Yours


Outro (vox 8va)
Holy, holy, my soul cries holy



Christ Reigns Forever

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Verse 1
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Who can stand before Him, in the light of His glory?


Verse 2
Praise Him, praise Him, all the earth, for He alone is worthy
Clothed in strength and mercy, He is Faithful and True


All of heaven’s bursting with a song to sing
For the King of kings
His light shines forth in majesty and splendour
For eternity
We fall to our knees, oh, and all we can sing is:
“Hallelujah, Christ reigns forevermore!”


Verse 3
He comes to judge the nations, in righteousness
Each knee will bow and tongue confess that Christ is the Lord


The heavens and the earth shall flee away from the face
Of the One who sits upon the Throne
All people, small and great, will stand before Him on that day
And each man’s work will come into the light
The heavens and the earth will be made new
Praise the Lord! He makes all things new
And behold, He dwells with us
Oh, it comes, yes, He comes


Hallelujah, Christ reigns forever x4



I Will Trust

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Part 1: Oh, I will trust, my soul will trust in You,
faithful God
Part 2: My hope is in You, my strength is in You
Part 3: Anchor for my soul, You won’t let me go
Part 4: Hide my under Your wings,
keep me in perfect peace




Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Verse 1
You are the song within my heart
The melody I hear in fragments from the distance
Echoes from another world
The song I was born to sing for eternity


Verse 2
All other songs that I know
Are only shadows of the one resounding in the heavens
And I cannot find the words until I am clothed in immortality


When death is swallowed up in victory
And only Love and Truth remain
When those who’ve waited for You faithfully
Come to see You face to face
When it’s all been stripped away, tried and tested in the fire
Only then will I find myself in You


Verse 3
You are the potter, I’m the clay
And You are moulding me into
Your master workmanship
Refining the gold in me
For all You’ve prepared for me for Eternity


So help me see the truth, that all the good in me
Is just a glimpse of You, that it’s Your Life in me
And show me how to walk on this road toward Home
It’s where I’ll finally rest, in You


Verse 4
All other songs that I know
Are only shadows of the one
Resounding in the heavens
And I will find the words when I,
I am clothed in immortality




Grain of Wheat

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Verse 1
I’ve stepped out of the boat onto the water
There’s nothing to hold onto but You
The ocean depths beneath me
The waves swelling around me
I can’t see the steps before me
And all I have is You


Verse 2
I lay myself freely upon the altar
Till there’s nothing left in me but You
You press me and refine me
You fill me up with Glory
You’re revealing glimpses of Your holiness
Till all I want is You


And this was Your plan all along


I am a grain of wheat falling to the ground
I only feel the darkness and the dying
But when the Spring has fully come
You will breathe in me Your life
And I will rise to be all You planned for me


So I won’t ask You to save me from the stormy seas
But I will walk step by step with You
And I won’t resist laying me down upon the altar
For this is Your road to glory



I Know Who Holds Me

Words and Music by Cherie Csikos (2013)


Verse 1
When the promises I’ve held onto
Are slipping through my fingers
And I’m standing face to face with Impossibility
When my world is crashing down around me
It looks like everything I thought
I knew was an illusion
Then that still, small voice inside me says


“Be still and know that I AM God
Be still and know that I AM God”


Then (And) I remember Who You are
The One Who framed the world by the power of His Word
Who calls the morning stars to sing and all the heavens join in
I remember Who You are
You walked on water, calmed the tempest of the sea
You conquered Death eternally
You are God, and I know You hold me
1st: I know You hold me
2nd: I know You are To Bridge


Verse 2
Your promises are faithful
Even when I’m feeling faithless
‘Cause I’m standing with the God of Impossibility
I know my world is safe in Your hands
And I’m coming to the realisation that
You exceed all I can imagine
And there’s that pressing on my heart that says


Glorious, Eternal King
Be glorified magnificently
Prince of Peace, The Faithful One
Be glorified magnificently
Be glorified


I know Who holds me x3